New Mama Essentials

New Mama Essentials

I've had two babies, this does not make me an expert at all, but I have used every product we sell in our store. I believe each mum has a very different first-time mum experience. I was still working at my two businesses during both my newborn stages & I really struggled. I didn't allow myself to take the time to relax, recover, restore. I wasn't kind to myself, I didn't think I needed rest or time to just sit and be with my baby. It made it much harder to in my recovery.

My one tip for first-time mums is to be kind to yourself. Take the help from others if it's offered, or don't be shy to ask your support network for help. Don't feel like you need to do a million things in a day, some days you won't leave the house until the evening, and that's ok!

That aside, along my journey, I've managed to cultivate my top 7 most used items and we sell them in store!


The Nappy Caddy

This i keep on my bedside table and it keeps all my newborn essentials organised for the overnight feed. I keep my nappies, wipes, creams, change of clothing, diaper bags all inside and it's restocked whenever I'm low. This keeps me from needing to leave my bed every time my baby wakes up. 


Luxe Pram Hooks

These are a pram essential item. Even though every pram has a basket underneath, it's usually full to the brim of nappies/whipes/extra clothing etc etc, the list goes on. When you go shopping at the supermarket, attach these to your travel stroller, your carseat or your regular pram and they hold all your shopping bags. 


Breast Milk Catcher

What people don't tell you is that breastfeeding is really really hard. When you're breastfeeding your brain can't tell which breast the baby is latched so, so it releases milk from both boobs. This is a catcher that suctions to your alternate breast & ensure none of your precious milk goes to waste and catches it to be used later. 


Nipple Balm 

Back to the breastfeed train, usually first-time mums can get pretty bad sore nipples. This balm is an excellent, natural cream to soothe us poor mums and provide a little bit of relief. 


Mama Nappy Bag

This was a product I worked really hard to perfect. It comes with a zipper in almost every compartment, it comes with attachments for the stroller handle & an insulated pocket for warm bottles. There's a wet pocket in the flap, for dirty clothes or bathing suits & it's a really practical large shaped bag. 

The colour is also neutral and it's such good quality that I've literally taken mine around the world and it's lasted to young kids!


Pram and cup holder

This is a really awesome product, that I hadn't seen anywhere else. It's a pram accessory and attaches to any pram with a universal clip. It fits almost all phones without a case on & any cup of coffee or water bottle. 


Reusable Breast Pads

These are organic and super soft, great for mums who are running around and awkwardly find that their boobs are getting a let down. These are washable and great for the environment. Just place them in your bra and prevent any leak throughs while breastfeeding.